OPSC Reviews Fleet & Housing Policies for Enhanced Management

PORT VILA, 24th May 2024. The Office of the Public Service Commission (OPSC) conducted a comprehensive review of its draft Fleet and Housing Policies, with the goal of enhancing management practices and ensuring optimal utilization of resources.

Under the leadership of its recently appointed Manager, Ridley Magmui, Principal Fleet officer Mr. Steve Tete, Principal Housing officer Mr. Charlie Harrison together with a comprehensive committee, comprising representatives from the Department of Lands, Department of Finance and the Ministry of Internal Affairs has meticulously evaluated the existing Fleet and Housing Policies on May 6th and 7th, 2024.

The objective is to align these policies with the reviewed Public Service Staff Manual as well as the Public Service Act, Road worthiness Act, Lands Value Act and PFEM Act, thereby strengthening OPSC’s governance framework.

These policies, developed in collaboration with key stakeholders, marking a significant milestone in OPSC’s commitment to effectively managed the asset of the government of the Republic of Vanuatu.

The Fleet Policy is designed to bolster the management of government vehicles focusing on key areas such as procurement, valuation, and standards in terms of trade-in and sale of government fleet.

Similarly, the Housing policy serves to improve the allocation and management of government housing. Through a structured process overseen by the Housing Committee that was recently endorsed by the Public Service Commission, the OPSC Housing Officers will ensure fair and transparent allocation of housing to entitled and eligible government employees only serving under the PSC. This will also facilitate better management of tenancies and timely renovation of government houses.

The Public Service Commission through the office of the Secretary of OPSC  is collaborating with other three (3) commissions namely the Teaching Service Commission, Judicial Service Commission and the Vanuatu Police Service commission on matters relating to fleet as well as housing.